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Add component to the ODTP-org zoo

Locate the github repsitory of the zoo.

The zoo db is located in a github repository: ODTP-org Zoo ⧉

In order to add a component you must submit it via a PR. It will then be added to index.json, that lists all available components with their metadata.

How to submit a component

In order to submit a component you need to make an entry in the components directory using component_template.yaml. Please fill the template with all requested information and then open a pull request.

Step by step instructions

  1. Fork the zoo repository.
  2. Copy the odtp.yml and rename it as component_version.yaml.
  3. Place the file into components directory.
  4. Submit a pull request and wait for review.
    • Components pull requests target components branch, after merging it will get automatically deployed to main.
    • Do not edit index.json directly, and do not modify any other file.
    • The added date will be automatically populated after the merge.


  • Only functional components will be accepted. You can make your tool compatible using the odtp-component-template ⧉.
  • If you want to have your component removed, please open an issue or pull request.