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Workflow Concept

Under Construction

  • Currently only Executions are implemented in the ODTP Orchestrator: That means Workflow templates and Workflows are not yet part of the ODTP.

Workflow Terminology

The ODTP framework allows to combine independently developed tools into pipelines by wrapping the tools and turning them into ODTP components. Components can then be combined into pipelines by the ODTP orchestrator. The orchestrator runs them as Executions: the exact terminonlogy of ODTP is decribed below:

  • The Workflow template is a specification of a pipeline of components before specifying the parameters: the workflow templates can be acyclic graphs.
  • The Workflow is a derived from the Workflow template by a specifying the configuration parameters.
  • An Execution is the execution of a Workflow at a specific date and time: this is the actual execution of the workflow when it is run as a sequence of docker containers. The outputs and results of Executions are captured by the ODTP orchestrator.
graph TB;
    subgraph ODTP
        direction TB   
        CA0[Component A]
        CB0[Component B]
        CC0[Component C]
        CA1[Component A <br/>with Configuration]
        CB1[Component B <br/>with Configuration]
        CC1[Component C <br/>with Configuration]
        CA2[Component A <br/>with Configuration <br/>executed]
        CB2[Component B <br/>with Configuration <br/>executed]
        CC2[Component C <br/>with Configuration <br/>executed]                
        subgraph WT[Workflow Template]
            direction LR
            CA0 --> CB0
            CB0 --> CC0
        subgraph W[Workflow]
            direction LR        
            CA1 --> CB1
            CB1 --> CC1
        subgraph E[Execution]
            direction LR        
            CA2 --> CB2
            CB2 --> CC2
        WT -.- c[add configuration] -.-> W 
        W -.- t[add execution time] -.-> E             
style WT fill:white    
style W fill:white 
style E fill:white   

Workflow Examples

See the use cases for workflow examples

Supported Workflow Structure

Currently the ODTP orchestrator supports only linear workflows. But it is planned to also support acyclic graphs in the future, see our roadmap


If your pipeline involves loading multiple data inputs into a single step, you can solve this by adding all of them sequentially and activating the environment variable TRANSFER_INPUT_TO_OUTPUT=TRUE in the Dataloader. This will transfer the input from one dataloader to the next, accumulating all inputs for the analytical component.