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  • Executions are owned by users and belong to a digital twin
  • Executions consist of components that are run in sequence
  • The output of one component will serve as input to the next component
graph LR
component-example_0.1.0 --> travel_dashboard_0.2.1;

On this page you can manage your executions, specify and save them, so that they can be later selected for running them.

List executions

The Execution page assumes that you have selected both a user and a digital twin to work on. You can go to the "EXECUTION TABLE" Tab and list all executions that belong to the digital twin

In the Dashboard you are guided through the process of creating an execution step by step:

Dashboard List executions

On the command you can only list all executions for a digital twin:

odtp db executions_for_digitalTwin \
--dt-id 65c3ab02b4afbca32db08738 

Select execution

Existing executions can be selected in order to run them: when you select an execution you see a button: "PREPARE AND RUN EXECUTION": click on it and you will get to a run page where you can run the execution: see run executions

In the Dashboard you are guided through the process of creating an execution step by step:

Dashboard Add execution

In the command line you can print the execution object as it is stored in the mongodb:

odtp db get executions_for_digitalTwin \
--dt-id 65c3ab02b4afbca32db08738 

Add an execution

An execution consists of components and can have extra port mappings and parameters.

  • digital-twin-id: Obtained before.
  • name: A name for the execution
  • versions: All versions involved in the workflow aligned sequentially and separated by commas.
    • Versions order should match components.
  • parameter-files: Parameters files separated by commas.
    • This file should contain all parameters used like in a dotenv file format.
  • ports: Ports matching used by the containers.
    • Components ports should be separated by +. i.e. 8763:3000+8501:8501
    • Place as many + as connections between components. If ports are not being used in the first, and second component: i.e. ++8501:8501

In the GUI a form is offered to guide you through the process of specifying all these elements. In the CLI you have to add all elements yourself:

In order to better understand these workflows it is best to set up workflow repos as we did in some of our use cases:

These repos help you to setup executions in both CLI and the GUI

In the Dashboard you are guided through the process of creating an execution step by step:

First you need to name your execution:

Dashboard Add execution

Select component versions as workflow steps. The components and versions that you can use here must have been added at the components page, see components and versions.

Dashboard Add execution

Next you may add parameters from file. In a later step you can also overwrite those initial settings from file.

Dashboard Add execution

So here you can overwrite parameters, delete rows or add additional parameters:

Dashboard Add execution

Next you need to add port mappings: this is only necessary for persistent components and for the mapping you need to know the component port, that was registered with the component, see components and versions.

Dashboard Add execution

Check your execution and save it if everything is correct. If not, you can walk back through the steps and correct your settings without loosing any information that you already correctly.

Dashboard Save the execution Once the execution is save you can run it. See above on Selecting an execution.

A set of parameters is a file containing all the variables needed to run that component.


The components tags are formed by component name and version tag from github:

odtp new execution-entry \
--digital-twin-name example-workflow \
--name execution-example \
--component-tags odtp-dataloader:v1.0.1,odtp-data-dashboard:v1.2.0 \
--parameter-files /path/params1,path/params2 \
--ports 80:80,8501:8501+80:80
execution_id: 65c3ab980c57d37eb076b6ba
step_ids 65c3ab980c57d37eb076b6bb, 65c3ab980c57d37eb076b6bc