MongoDB Schema
The operational metadata of ODTP is stored in a MongoDB. In this section the schema of the MongoDB is explained by differentiating between the following parts:
- building material in ODTP: Components and Component Versions
- registration of Executions
- running of Executions
ER Diagram for building material:
The first ER diagram describes all mongodb collections that relate to building executions, these can also be found in the ODTP Zoo and are shared building blocks that are not owned by a user:
- A Component corresponds to a tool and there is usually a github repository for each component
- A ComponentVersion is a tagged version of the Component in its github repository
- A Workflow has multiple Component Versions in a field
: the sequence matters. Currrently only linear workflows are possible with some tweaks, but supporting acyclic graphs is on the roadmap
title: Mongo DB Schema for Building Material
Workflow ||..|{ ComponentVersion : has
Components ||..|{ ComponentVersion : has
Components have several Versions. Component Versions can be used to build Workflow, that can then be executed as Executions.
ER Diagram for the registration of executions:
The second ER diagram describes all mongodb collections that relate to the registration of an execution before it is run:
- A User can have zero or more DigitalTwins
- A DigitalTwin: Digital Twins are the projects of ODTP. These project are owned by users. A Digital Twin can have zero or more Executions
- An Execution: is a Workflow with Configuration and Run time. It consists of multiple Steps
- A Step corresponds to exactly one Version of a Component in the Workflow. ODTP builda a Docker image for that step and runs it as a Docker container
title: Mongo DB Schema for Execution Definitions
User ||..o{ DigitalTwin : owns
DigitalTwin ||..o{ Execution : has
Execution }|..|| Workflow : implements
Execution ||..|{ Step : has
Step ||..|| ComponentVersion : runs
Workflow ||..|{ ComponentVersion : has
ER Diagram for running executions
The third ER diagram describes all mongodb collections that relate to the running of an execution: These collection capture the output of the execution run
- A DigitalTwin can have zero or more Executions
- An Execution can have one or more Steps
- A Step has zero or one Output: Outputs are Outputs of a Step. Some steps don't have outputs, see component types
- An Output links to an output snapshot on S3
- An Logs: logs can optionally stored in the database
- A Result: Result is a shared results of a Digital Twin that combines outputs of several executions
title: Mongo DB Schema for Execution Runs
DigitalTwin ||..o{ Execution : has
Execution ||..|{ Step : has
Step ||..o| Output : has
Step ||..o| Logs : has
Result ||..o{ Output : has
Result ||..|{ Execution : compares
DigitalTwin ||..o| Result : has
Current MongoDB Schema
users = {
"_id": ObjectId(),
"displayName": "John Doe",
"email": "",
"github": "johnDoeRepo",
"created_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"updated_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"digitalTwins": [ObjectId()],
"deprecated": false,
Digital Twins
digitalTwins = {
"_id": ObjectId(),
"userRef": ObjectId(),
"name" : "title",
"status": "active",
"public": True,
"created_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"updated_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"executions": [ObjectId()],
deprecated: false
Components are the building blocks of ODTP that correspond to github repos
components = {
"_id": ObjectId(),
"author": "Test",
"componentName": "ComponentX",
"repoLink": "",
"status": "active",
“type”: “persistent”,
"description": "Description for ComponentX",
"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
"created_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"updated_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"versions": [ObjectId()] # 1:n relationship with components,
deprecated: false
Component Versions
Component versions get their properties from odtp.yml
and contain default values for the executions.
versions = {
"_id": ObjectId(),
"Component”: # n:1 relationship with components
“ComponentId": ObjectId(),
"componentName": "ComponentX",
"repoLink": "",
“type”: “persistent”,
"version": "v1.0",
"component_version": "1.0.0",
"commitHash": "6471218336ce7de41a5162c9556c0ff68f9ec13c",
"parameters": {},
"title": "Title for Version v1.0",
"description": "Description for Version v1.0",
"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
"created_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"updated_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"odtp_version": '0.5.0',
"deprecated": false,
"imageLink": "",
"description": "description from odpt.yml",
“type”: “persistent”,
"paramters": [],
"tags": [],
"tools": [],
"licence": 'AGPL-3.0',
"ports": [],
"secrets": [],
"devices": [],
"data-inputs": null,
"data-outputs": null,
"build-args": null
is the reference to the Digital Twin.deprecated
is a logical delete: the execution will no longer be listed in the GUI.workflow_id
is the reference to the Workflow
executions = {
"_id": ObjectId(),
"dt_id": ObjectId(),
"title": "Title for Execution",
"description": "Description for Execution",
"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
"workflowSchema": {
"workflowExecutor": "barfi",
"workflowExecutorVersion": "v2.0",
"component_versions": [{"version": ObjectId()}],
"WorkflowExecutorSchema": [],
"start_timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
"end_timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
"createdAt": datetime.utcnow(),
"updatedAt": datetime.utcnow(),
"steps": [ObjectId()],
"deprecated": false,
" workflow_id": ObjectId(),
"execution_path": '/usr/path/to/execution/directory`
A Step is a step that was run in an execution.
The field
is currently not used, instead the output of a step is a 1-1 relationship and the reference can be found in theoutput
property. -
will only be filled in case the step errored on its last run. Then it contains the exit message from the docker run command. -
may contain the filename to the encrypted file on the server where the secrets for the step are stored -
determines whether the step will run on the next execution run. It is possible to partially rerun executions, see tutorial
steps = {
"_id": ObjectId(),
"executionRef": ObjectId(), # Reference to an executions
"timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
"start_timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
"end_timestamp": datetime.utcnow(),
"createdAt": datetime.utcnow(),
"updatedAt": datetime.utcnow(),
"type": "interactive" or "ephemeral",
"logs": [],
"inputs": {},
"outputs": {},
"secrets": [],
"run_step": true,
"error": false,
"msg": null,
"component_version": ObjectId(),
"parameters": {},
"output": ObjectId(),
### Outputs
Outputs are the output of a step in an execution run. Outputs are stored on S3 and also in a zipped form in the execution project directory.
outputs = {
"_id": ObjectId(),
"stepRef": ObjectId(), # reference to a step,
"output_type": "snapshot" or "output",
"s3_bucket": "bucket_name",
"s3_key": "path/to/output",
"file_name": "output_file_name", # The name of the file in the output
"file_size": 123456, # Size of the file in bytes
"file_type": "image/jpeg", # MIME type or file type
"created_at": datetime.utcnow(), # Timestamp when the output was created
"updated_at": datetime.utcnow(),
"metadata": { # Additional metadata associated with the output
"description": "Description of the output",
"tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
"other_info": "Other relevant information"
"access_control": { # Information about who can access this output
"public": False, # Indicates if the output is public or private
"authorized_users": [ObjectId()],
Logs and Results
Logs can optionally stored in the database by the
. We don't recommend this, since it can spam the mongoDB quickly. -
Results are not yet implemented in ODTP.