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ODTP Architecture

graph TD;
    subgraph ODTP
    GUI[Graphical User Interface] --> ODTPCore
    CLI[Commandline Interface] --> ODTPCore
    ODTPCore[Core: register components, run executions, register Digital Twins for users]
    ODTP -->|store operational data| MongoDBInstance
    ODTP -->|store data outputs of executions| MinioInstance
    ODTP -->|engine| Docker
    subgraph MongoDBInstance[MongoDB Instance]
    MongoDB[Operational Data]
    subgraph MinioInstance[Minio S3]
    MinioS3[Capture Snapshots of Outputs]
    subgraph Docker[Docker as engine]
    DockerInstance[run components via Docker]

The architecture of the odtp include different core-modules dealing with specific task. Between parenthesis you can find the technologies that are being considered for this modules.

See Roadmap for planned enhancements: Roadmap