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ODTP Orchestrator Overview

The Orchestrator is the Application behind ODTP: it can be installed and run.

graph TD;
    ODTPOrchestrator --> |defines and runs| Executions
    ODTPOrchestrator --> |registers| ODTPComponents
    ODTPOrchestrator --> |registers| Workflows
    ODTPOrchestrator --> |provides service to| Users
    ODTPOrchestrator --> |registers| DigitalTwins
    Users --> |own| DigitalTwins
    DigitalTwins --> |are collections of| Executions
    Executions --> |correspond to| Workflows
    Executions --> |are configured pipelines of| ODTPComponents
    Workflows --> |are unconfigured pipelines of| ODTPComponents
    subgraph ODTPOrchestrator
    Minio[S3: store snapshots between component runs]
    Mongodb[Mongodb: store all Metadata]
    Docker[Docker: run executions]

The ODTP orchestrator registers ODTP Components allows to combine them into executable workflows and to run these executions as docker containers.

This section explains that concepts behind ODTP and its technical implementation.


Use the orchestrator

In order to use the ODTP orchestrator you need first to install it.

Install ODTP

In case you have it already installed: the tutorials will guide you on how to use it:

Tutorials: get started with ODTP