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Install on a local server


For deploying digital twins we recommend to use ODTP as a local installation as described here. In a production environment running digital twins, a local installation on the operating system is preferable. Note that this requires additional third party services to be setup along side ODTP


In order to install ODTP you need



On a local server, ODTP needs additionally the following services to be setup:


Form this installation you need the following variables:

  • [MONGO_DB_USER] and [MONGO_DB_PASSWORD] and [MONGO_SERVER_URL] from the Mongodb Installation

Optional: for the Mongodb it is advisable to install also a graphical user interface for the mongodb. Options are:



From these installations you need the following variables:

  • [MINIO_ROOT_USER] and [MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD] and [MINIO_URL] from the Minio Installation

Github token

You need a github token:

Go to the Github Token page ⧉ and generate a new classic token with full access rights. Choose an appropriate expiration data to work with the token.

  • Save the name of the [GITHUB_TOKEN] for later use during the installation. You also need your [GITHUB_USER]

Python 3.11

You also need Python3.11 installed on your Server: Save the [PYTHON_3_11_PATH] on your local server.


As python dependency manager ODTP uses poetry ⧉

Docker network

ODTP needs a Docker network to be setup:

docker network create odtp_odtp-network

1. Install ODTP

Clone the repository

git clone
cd odtp

Install ODTP

poetry env use [PYTHON_3_11_PATH]
poetry shell
poetry install


On a server with Apple Chip you might need to change the shell using this command: env /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/bash --login before the installation.

2. Set the environment variables:

Create a .env file from the template .env.dist.local

cd odtp
cp .env.dist .env

By now you should have:

  • [MINIO_ROOT_USER] and [MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD] and [MINIO_URL] from the Minio Installation
  • [MONGO_DB_USER] and [MONGO_DB_PASSWORD] and [MONGO_SERVER_URL] from the Mongodb Installation
  • [GITHUB_TOKEN] and [GITHUB_USER] from your github

Additionally you need:

  • Minio Bucket name: [MINIO_BUCKET_NAME], recommended odtp
  • Minio Bucket name: [MONGO_DB_NAME], recommended odtp
  • Working directory: [ODTP_PATH]: working directory for user of ODTP, where projects and data files can be stored

You also need a password [ODTP_PASSWORD] for the encrpytion and decryption of secrets

Delete the parts in the .env file that are not needed for the setup method [VM].

For a server setup, your .env file will look like this:

# ===========================================================
# Environment variables for odtp
# Setup options:
# - [COMPOSE] `docker compose` (recommended)
# - [DEV] `docker compose -f` (for development)
# - [VM] server setup with poetry
# ===========================================================

# ===========================================================
# Credentials with other services
# - needed for all setup methods
# ===========================================================

# Credentials github
# your github token

# ===========================================================
# Credentials for odtp: to decrypt secret files
# ===========================================================


# ===========================================================
# Credentials that you can choose on setup
# - needed for all setup methods
# ===========================================================

# Credentials S3

# mongodb user and password

# ===========================================================
# Operational settings: change only if needed
# - needed for all setup methods
# ===========================================================

# odtp db instance in the mongo db: "odtp"

# s3 bucket name: "odtp"

# ===========================================================
# ODTP Path is where the dashboard will store users,
# digital twins and executions
# - needed for all setup methods
# ===========================================================

# path where your executions run and the digital twins are stored

# ===========================================================
# Development settings: only needed for development
# setup with
# `docker compose -f`
# - only needed for setup method [DEV]
# ===========================================================

# Dashboard parameters
# you can chose a different port to serve the dashboard in case port
# 8003 is not available as port on your computer
# this setting should only be True during development but False in
# production

# Log level
# Log level for the dashboard
# log level for the component runs

# Set to False if your docker installation does not allow the flag --gpus all
# Set to True in case you want to use GPUs

# ===========================================================
# Service URLS
# - only needed for setup method [VM]
# ===========================================================

# mongo url: example "mongodb://localhost:27017/"

# S3 server url: example: ""

ODTP will use the .env file to access the services and github. Please make sure that you have entered all information correctly.


Under OSX, you may be asked to accept the type change through renaming of the .env file. If you don't accept, it will be named .env but will still be of type .env.dist meaning the installation will fail. This can be fixed by creating a new file named .env with the same contents.

The [ODTP_S3_SERVER] requires the http://

3. Install ODTP and dependencies locally

We provide installation of ODTP via poetry:

  1. (Required for OSX) Run poetry env use 3.11.
  2. Run poetry install
  3. Run poetry shell
  4. Run odtp --help

This should print out the help for odtp --help


  • For OSX, the environment needs to be set to 3.11 because there is no wheel for duckdb on arm64 (Apple Silicon) for python 3.12 and higher (last checked April 1, 2024). Poetry selects python 3.12 because there is no dependency issues but missing wheels are not accounted for.

4 Configure MongoDB and S3 bucket

After deploying the different services you need to run the following command in order to finish the configuration of the collections required.

odtp setup initiate

This command will create the collections needed in mongoDB and S3 automatically.

5. How to test that everything works?

In order to do some test we can create first an user:

odtp new user-entry \
--name Pedro \
--email vote@for.pedro \
--github pedro
user ID: 65c3648260106cc50f650bc1

Now that everything has been set up, you are ready to work. Head over to the tutorials.

ODTP Tutorials

Services and Ports

Below, you can see an overview of the dependencies of services required to run ODTP. Ports are defined by default. Please adjust them according to your installation.

graph TD;
    subgraph ODTP
    GUI[GUI in port 8000]
    ODTP -->|requires| MongoDBInstance
    ODTP -->|requires| MinioInstance
    subgraph MongoDBInstance[MongoDB Instance]
    MongoDB[API in port 27017]
    subgraph MongoDBExpress[MongoDB Express]
    MDBEGUI[GUI in port 8081]
    subgraph MinioInstance[Minio Instance]
    MinioAPI[API in port 9000]
    MinioGUI[GUI in port 9001]
    MongoDBExpress -->|dashboard for| MongoDBInstance