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Install with docker compose


For test and development purposes we recommend to use the dockerized ODTP. However this makes use of "Docker in Docker" to run the digital executions which can lead to security issues. More information here ⧉.

For the setup with docker compose the following is provided at ⧉

  • compose.yml file that contains secrets as variables
  • .env.dist.compose file that contains all variables that need to be set for the docker compose

The Installation is done in the following steps:


In order to install ODTP with Docker compose you need Docker compose ⧉ additionally to Docker ⧉ and git ⧉.

1. Set up a folder configuration

Create a folder (we recommend you name it odtp) where ODTP will locate all services, and files needed. Create the following sub-folders: mongodb, minio, and digital-twins. The file system structure should be like this:

└── odtp
    ├── mongodb
    ├── digital-twins
    └── minio
        └── odtp

Save the name of the path names for later use during the installation:

  • absolute path to the digital-twins folder as [ODTP_PATH]
  • absolute path to the minio folder as [MINIO_PATH]
  • absolute path to the mongodb folder as [MONGODB_PATH]

2. Get your your Github Token

To complete the configuration of the .env we will need your Github Token:

Go to the Github Token page ⧉ and generate a new classic token with full access rights. Choose an appropriate expiration data to work with the token.

Save the name of the [GITHUB_TOKEN] for later use during the installation.

3. Clone the ODTP Repository

Pull the ODTP ⧉ repository. We recommend to do it in the same folder you created before (e.g.. odtp)

git clone

Afterwards your folder structure will look like this:

└── odtp
    ├── mongodb
    ├── minio
    |   └── odtp
    └── digital-twins
    └── odtp
        └── compose.yml
        └── .env.dist.compose

4. Setup the enviroment variables

The .env should be completed by adding administrator users, passwords and configuration for the different services:

cd odtp
cp .env.dist.compose .env

Then fill in your crendentials into .env as follows:

Decide on crendentials for the different services

  • user and password for the Mongodb: [MONGO_DB_USER], [MONGO_DB_PASSWORD]
  • user and password for Mongodb Express: [MONGO_EXPRESS_USER], [MONGO_EXPRESS_PASSWORD]
  • user and password for Minio: [MINIO_ROOT_USER], [MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD]

Decide on a port to run the OTPD Dasboard on: [DASHBOARD_PORT], for example 8003

# environment variables for installation with docker compose
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# fill these variables in case you want to install odtp with
# docker compose

# local setup and compose

# odtp db instance in the mongo db: "odtp"
# s3 bucket name: "odtp" 

# s3 access and secret key

# your github token

# mongodb user and password

# mongoexpress user and password

# absolute path for docker volumes

# Dashboard parameters

# Log Level General

# Log Level when running executions

5. Test the docker compose configuration

Test your configuration:

docker compose config

This will print out a generated docker-compose.yml file as it will be used for the docker compose up.

6. Build the docker containers

Run the docker compose build command in the odtp directory where the compose.yml file resides: The build might take up to 30 minutes. As long as it is progressing from step to step it should be fine.

docker compose build --no-cache

7. Run the docker containers

Once the containers have been build, you can run them. You need to repeat this step each time you start your computer. In case you just want to update the environment variables in the .env file, you can use the flag --force-recreate. The -d flag means that the containers are going to be run in detached mode. If you want to see the logs on the terminal, omit this flag.

docker compose up --force-recreate -d  

8. ODTP initial configuration

Enter the Docker container odtp-odtp-1 and execute: odtp setup initiate. This will finish the configuration of the database and s3 instance:

docker exec -it odtp-odtp-1 odtp setup initiate

9. Ready to use ODTP

Now you are ready use ODTP directly via the CLI or via the GUI:

Start with the Commandline Interface of ODTP:

docker exec -it odtp-odtp-1 bash

Start using the ODTP Dashboard:

docker exec -it odtp-odtp-1 odtp dashboard 

ODTP Tutorials