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ODTP Introduction

About ODTP

ODTP is a framework that allows to combine tools that have been developed independently from each other into Digital Twins.

OTDP originated in the mobility sector, see Acknowledgement and Funding to enable the composition of Digital Twins. But the framework can be used for any purpose where independent tools need to be combined into workflows.

ODTP as a workflow manager

ODTP's features as workflow manager are the following:

  • integrate heterogenous tools in the way they have been developed
  • wrap these tools and transform them into Components to make them usable by the ODTP Orchestrator
  • combine Components into Workflows and run them as Executions
  • monitor the executed Workflows and capture outputs, logs and configuration
  • enhance interoperability by using sematic validation of inputs and outputs of Executions
  • group Workflows into Digital Twins and allow to compare results between its executions
  • register Components and Workflows in an ODTP Zoo to make them discoverable and reusable

ODTP has both a Commandline Interface and a Graphical User Interface. It uses S3 to store outputs and Mongodb to capture Components, Workflows and Execution Metadata.


Not all features of ODTP are yet operational. It is a POC, that is still under development. We encourage you to use it an give us feedback, see Contributing

graph RL;
    subgraph ODTP     
        direction TB
        ODTPWorkflows -.- combine -.-> ODTPComponents
        ODTPOrchestrator -.- executes -.-> ODTPWorkflows
        ODTPZoo -.- registers -.-> ODTPComponents
        subgraph ODTPComponents
            A1[Tool] -- transform --> A2[Component]
        subgraph ODTPWorkflows
            B1[Components] -- combine --> B2[Workflows]
        subgraph ODTPOrchestrator
            C1[Digital Twins > Executions of Workflows]
            C2[(S3:Snapshots of Data)]
            C3[(Mongo DB: Operational Metadata)]
            C1 --> C2
            C1 --> C3
        subgraph ODTPZoo
            D1[Components] -- register --> D2[Index]
style ODTPComponents fill:white
style ODTPWorkflows fill:white
style ODTPOrchestrator fill:white
style ODTPZoo fill:white 

Getting started with ODTP

Depending on your interest we recommend the following ways to get started with ODTP:

In order to be able to use the framework you need to install it first:

Install ODTP

If you have have already installed ODTP, we have a tutorial that teaches you how to use ODTP:

Use ODTP: Getting started Tutorial

ODTP Concepts

If you want to understand the framework:

  • Orchestrator describes the app ODTP and its architecture
  • Components teaches you how to select and build components
  • Workflows describes how to combine components into workflows
  • Zoo describes a registry for components and how to add components there