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How to run a single component?

This section assumes that you have installed ODTP. If this is not the case:

Install ODTP

How to run a component with the ODTP Orchestrator

Components can only be run on the Command Line Interface (CLI), not from the Graphical User Interface(GUI).

In this example we are going to run ODTP component example ⧉. First, we will prepare the component which will automatically download the repostory, build the image and prepare all the folders needed for the input / output data.

First let's create a project folder called digital_twin_project on your local computer. In this folder is where all the folders will appear.

mkdir digital_twin_project

Then we can prepare the project by running the following. This will download the repo and build the image and prepare the output folder structure

odtp component prepare \
--folder /Users/carlosvivarrios/pro/odtp/digital_twin_project \
--image_name image_test \

Now we need to run the component:

odtp component run \
--folder /Users/carlosvivarrios/pro/odtp/digital_twin_project \
--image_name image_test \
--instance_name instance_test \
--repository \
--commit 6471218336ce7de41a5162c9556c0ff68f9ec13c \
--parameter_file /Users/carlosvivarrios/pro/odtp/digital_twin_project/.env

Then we can delete the instance by running. In docker terminology this will remove the container

odtp component delete-instance --instance_name instance_test

And finally if we want to delete the image we can run:

odtp component delete-image --image_name image_test 

How to use a component in a Digital Twin?

To start using component in Digital Twin's executions, first you need to register the component into odtp, and using it.

See the tutorial on how to do this.