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ODTP Open Digital Twin Project

ODTP is a framework to combine independently developed tools into Digital Twins.

Getting started with ODTP

Install ODTP ODTP Tutorials


Read about ODTP:

  • Orchestrator describes the app ODTP and its architecture
  • Components teaches you how to select and build components
  • Workflows describes how to combine components into workflows
  • Zoo describes a registry for components
graph RL;
    subgraph ODTP     
        direction TB
        ODTPWorkflows[ODTP Workflows] -.- combine -.-> ODTPComponents[ODTP Components]
        ODTPOrchestrator[ODTP Orchestrator] -.- executes -.-> ODTPWorkflows[ODTP Workflows]
        ODTPZoo[ODTP Zoo] -.- registers -.-> ODTPComponents[ODTP Components]
        subgraph ODTPComponents[ODTP Components]
            A1[Tool] -- transform --> A2[Component]
        subgraph ODTPWorkflows[ODTP Workflows]
            B1[Components] -- combine --> B2[Workflows]
        subgraph ODTPOrchestrator[ODTP Orchestrator]
            C1[Digital Twins > Executions of Workflows]
            C2[(S3:Snapshots of Data)]
            C3[(Mongo DB: Operational Metadata)]
            C1 --> C2
            C1 --> C3
        subgraph ODTPZoo[ODTP Zoo]
            D1[Components] -- register --> D2[Index]
style ODTPComponents fill:white
style ODTPWorkflows fill:white
style ODTPOrchestrator fill:white
style ODTPZoo fill:white